This Morning
When we checked him at sunrise, things had taken a concerning turn. Both the incision and the drain site were bulging again, resembling the previous swelling we had seen—like a small hotdog under the skin. The area had started oozing, so we gently applied pressure with gauze. While at first, it released the serosanguineous (pinkish-clear) fluid we’d come to expect, by late morning the discharge turned milky—a change we know could indicate infection.

From 8:00 AM until now (almost 1:00 PM), we’ve gone through over 100 4×4 gauze pads trying to manage the drainage.

Blue’s Condition
He’s more sluggish today, and we’ve noticed he feels warmer to the touch. Given everything else he’s fighting, the possibility of a looming infection is deeply concerning. His appetite hasn’t completely vanished yet, but we know the situation becomes critical if he stops eating, as his medications rely on him taking food.

We’re keeping a close eye on him, hoping this is just a small bump in his recovery. The doctor is calling in a script for antibiotics which he will start this evening.